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Tucows One Web Day Events

Page history last edited by bozozo 14 years, 9 months ago


Tucows is celebrating One Web Day 2009!


Tucows believes: "The Internet is the greatest agent for positive change the world has ever seen."


This is our second year celebrating One Web Day and this year the focus is on Little Geeks and helping provide Internet access and computers to those who don't have computers.



As a company, we feel that it is important that everyone have access to this incredible tool. But we also recognize that some people in our own community right here in Toronto don't have the means (either financial or otherwise) to be able to tap into the Internet.


Through Little Geeks we aim to provide computers to those who wouldn't normally be able to afford them. Tucows is a strong supporter of Little Geeks which was founded by Andy Walker who runs Butterscotch.com, an online video network that is a part of Tucows Inc.



On One Web Day, September 22, 2009, Tucows will host a used computer drop off at the Tucows' offices in Liberty Village.


Drop off your old computers and we'll clean them up and get them ready to be delivered to people in the Greater Toronto Area who would find them useful.


We ask that you provide reasonably modern systems only - something that would be of use. More information on the kinds of systems that we're interested in can be found on the Little Geeks website. In general, Little Geeks is seeking Pentium IIIs or G3 Macs or better. System parts also welcome. Tax receipts will be issued for computer donations.


Cash donations are also happily accepted, both onsite at Tucows, and online. Tax receipts will be issued.


Event Details:


What: Drop off your used computer systems to be refurbished and given to those in need right here in the Greater Toronto Area

When: September 22, 2009 from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m.

Where: Tucows Head Office, 96 Mowat Ave., Toronto, M6K 3M1 (view on Google maps)


In addition to the used computer drop off, we'll have a Tucows employee event. Tucows staff will be celebrating all thing Internet throughout the day.

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