Toronto OneWebDay/Mozilla Service Week Meeting, August 28, 2009
- Christopher Wolfe – Social Planning Toronto
- Ryan Kelln – Open Everything
- Celina Agaton – Us Now – Global Screening Project/Volunteer Toronto
- Andy Walker - Tucows/
- Nanda Casucci Byrne – Chief of Staff – Office of the Lieutenant Gov.
- Heather Leson- Tucows
- James Koole – Tucows
- Mark Surman – Mozilla Foundation
- Chelsea Novak – Mozilla Foundation
Mark Surman – Mozilla and OneWebDay
- Mozilla is helping OneWebDay fundraise and will do so Toronto Wide, but are hoping to do something locally here in Toronto
Celina Agathon
Us Now – Global Screening Project, Volunteer Toronto
- Did a pilot screening here in Toronto, had a panel and helped people connect with web 2.0 and the social change part of it and hopefully bring it back to there community
- Having a screening and launch for Service Week/One Web Day/Us Now
- Proposing an Us Now screening on OneWebDay
- Were involved in OneWebDay last year
- Had food at work, did some blog posts, people talked about what the Internet meant to them
Little Geeks Foundation
- Serves the need of putting an Internet connected computer into the hands of underprivileged backgrounds in Toronto. 800 computers in the GTA, expanding to Ottawa, supported by BestBuy and TuCows – connecting this activity to OneWebDay
- E-books to first-nation fly in communities - Bringing technology literacy to children in aboriginal first-nation fly-in communities. The socio-economic conditions are poor, literacy levels are 3 to 4 years behind, residential school behaviours, etc.. Augmenting a pre-existing literacy program set up by LtG Bartleman and adding in a digital literacy program. Initiative to put together 20 new systems, ideally netbooks. Creating ebooks to be sent north and create technology hubs.
- 6000 children without computers in the 28 fly-in communities in the north
- Celina – mentioned Green Solutions – have a school in a box and skids of computers donated to those in need []
Open Everything
- Connecting the arts community, free software community and the tech community
Chris - Social Planning Toronto
- Non-infrastructure planning, trying to help not-for-profits, creating hubs of community wireless with the THP, increasing technology capacity. Another opportunity to evangelize the changes in technology for not-for-profits that can make their work easier and help their client base. Really good stuff in there for socio-economically challenged communities.
- Also an opportunity to push the City of Toronto on their Open Data promises.
The Tech Drive Event
- A screening of UsNow, sponsors, dropping off technology for reboot and a party
- A celebration of the Internet and what we can give back
- Create and artifact about how they want to make the internet better – make a commitment on video or sms – Maybe shot by Mark McKay form TVO
- Important to tap into different communities and create an opportunity for other organizations who want to make the web better and connect them with a room full of doers
- Even just creating awareness of who's trying to help
- Screening at 6, party at 7 and after work event
- This is not intended to centralize activities. Have lots of activities throughout the city – have various drop off points
have a way for people to submit information/photos of what they did throughout the day
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